Sunday, August 02, 2009

Front Page

As many of you know, I'm currently enrolled in Palm's Real Reviewers Program. As part of that program, I've been hooked up with a Palm Pre and service through Sprint. In return, they ask that I comment from time to time on how I'm using the device. Well, one of my review posts has been picked up by Pre|Central and posted on the front page!


Unknown said...

Remarkably, I thought your review was one even a non-techie-techie could enjoy. I read it, and found myself thinking, "hey, I need one of these too." Time to quit your day job and go to work for Palm.

That's pretty neat you could do instant question-answer-directions-phone call from one device so fast.
(ice cream story. Liked that. Could just picture T's dad waiting patiently to eat dessert).


Dennis said...

Do you guys still maintain your blog?

Tahera said...

wow, it sure doesn't look that way