We hide it well from the outside world; the insanity. I don't think it's any coincidence that I married a future psychiatrist (T minus 2 months, 3 days). We are weird.
When you're a family of 7 living in a small town you're bound to get a reputation. Luckily, the Ejaz children had it pretty good in the 'heads. If you happened to meet or know"An Ejaz" as we were referred to, you could assume that they were an A+ student, had never seen the inside of a detention room, participated in an assortment of extra-curricular activities and community service, and could talk about the benefits of hawthorn berries and B-12 in a diet. All-around good kids. This is the face we showed to the world. What happened behind the doors of our Oriole Dr. home was not what you would expect. We were nuts.
It started off innocent enough. We'd play together doing things I assume most other kids did. We'd play house and school. We'd build tents and forts out of blankets and the dining room chairs. We'd slide down the carpeted stairs in a sleeping bag (still super-fun). Kid stuff.
I'm not sure when things changed, but they did. We developed our own voice. It sounds kinda like a cross between a toddler and Elmo. After the voice came the language with words like "poosta" (pasta) and "ocher" (o.k.) Oh, there's more. We developed characters. In our world have "Cenupy" (the centipede), "Bobay" (the baby), "No-Name" (the one w/o a name), "James" (the grandma), "G-Per" (the grandpa), "Nonay" (the Nanny), and "Bobay Nal " (baby Neal). I won't go into who's who ,how these characters developed and their relationship to one another because, well, even I'm in amazement as to how crazy it really is.
Anyway, three of the kids are now in their twenties and the other two are teenagers. There is no end in sight. The following pictures really don't need any explanations. They're just a peek into what it really means to be
1 comment:
Hey Tahera!
I recently found myself wondering what became of my Ridge Road Elementary School classmates and with the help of Google, found your blog. Great to see so many happy photos of you and your family! Drop me a line sometime at mandy_halpin@yahoo.com.
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