Friday, May 23, 2008
Baby Steps
Manu is one month old today! It's incredible how much he's grown in these few short weeks. I sometimes wonder (usually around 4am) where the sleepy little newborn we brought home from the hospital went. Every day he surprises us with something new; a new expression, gurgle, movement. Each little discovery he makes leaves us amazed. Like most parents, we're pretty certain our little one is a genius.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Checkup Part Deux
The checkup went fine. Manu's feeding well, and growing well. He's now 8lbs 1oz, 21.75" long! Good Job, Manu-Bear!
We've got plenty more pics (and some video!) so stay tuned, plenty more to come!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
A Major Award!

Dear Dr.Parvez,
A Major Award! For all familiar with my favorite holiday movie of all time, this could only mean ONE thing.
In all truth, I expected to find a small room with perhaps 5 or so people present, being handed envelopes, handshakes, and being sent on our merry way. It says Lecture Rooms 5/6 for heaven’s sake! I’m glad I decided to wear a nice shirt and tie.
The award itself is given to only 6 Residents from among all years of all programs in the UPMC system, which I would estimate to be a few hundred residents all together.
At the ceremony, each of the six residents was introduced and asked to say a few words to the entire incoming 3rd year medical school class. These are whom you see in the photo from Friday. It was a really wonderful experience and it felt great to be commended for something that I was enjoying doing anyway.
By the way: the award was a lapel pin and a certificate (and a small check!)
And don’t bother asking for a piece of that windfall, folks. It’s as good as spent. Baby, after all, will need a new pair of shoes sooner or later…
(Special Thanks to Aziza Ejaz for the fantastic pic of Arman. Plenty more of those to come!!)