Aww look, snowflakes! Yeah, they're cute, 'till they start ganging up on you. What the &$%#! This is a picture from the evening on OCTOBER 12th! Sure, some flurries in October are nothing new. Maybe even a dusting to an inch. But what transpired after this picture was something else all together. We had ourselves a honey of an October storm, people. I'm talking Biblical. Late the evening this photo was taken, Tahera and I ventured off to bed, marveling at the fact that the snow had actually managed to start "sticking" to the ground. But as we lay in bed trying to sleep, all sorts of ominous sounds filled our senses. First there were the frequent flashes of lightning and immediate booms of thunder, not so peculiar per se, but in the midst of an early October snowstorm? Oh yes...Freaky. But not as much as the popping sounds of branches and the siren call of fire-detectors going off as the power kept tripping off and returning. But last of all came the focal, flare like burst of blue-white light that came from outside the window as a power-line snapped loose under a falling tree branch. Oh yes folks, there are cute snowflakes, then there are Evil Swarming Snowflakes From Hell! We knew the morning would bring us some interesting sights, (if we made it through the night, that is....)