-Wallet from a shopping excursion (masked as a “medical conference” w/ Nader) in Philly. Nothing good in there. License, gift cards with values around 86 cents, first aid and CPR card, no cash, coffee punch cards.
-Sunglasses…always in case when not in use (last year’s anniversary gift)
-Lens cleaner and cloth
-My little “T” notebook (not the tech-y type) and pen for grocery lists, reminders, and random “I should really get around to…” lists (wedding album..ahem. S, can I just give you like a hundred billion dollars to do it?)
- Reminder appointment card to visit the orthodontist (today) which also would explain the mini bottle of mouthwash and the x-mas tree tooth brush in the travel case. HATE braces.
-Breakfast bar
- New BNL album. Fab.
-Black headband (for an attempt at quick and chic)
- A bag of jewelry???? I don’t know. I never leave myself enough time in the morning for those finishing touches so I bring my favorites with me.
- Tinted lip gloss
- Cell phone
- The Diary of a Madman and Other Stories by Nikolai Gogol on loan from Ziza. Yay for Russian lit.
So what does that say about me? Unfortunately my friends are apparently even less tech-y tech-y than I (imagine that) as none have jumped on the blogger-wagon and all siblings are the face book types (whatever) which leaves no one juicy to tag. Miss Mina? No? Ok…. Soon enough.